Learn the traditional Nerates recipe secrets

by Christos Pantazis

Cretan cuisine is one of a foundation, not of complicated sauces. Its strength lies in the quality and freshness of its ingredients, the use of wild herbs and greens, and purity of taste. And not to be forgotten, the copious use of olive oil, Crete’s liquid gold.

Crete has one of the oldest and most delicious gastronomic traditions in the world. Sure, it’s similar to the rest of Greece, but there’s something unique and special about the Cretan way of cooking. It’s healthy, it’s fresh, simple, yet extremely flavorful and of course, downright delicious.

A Cretan feast is characterized by ingenious culinary combinations based on centuries-old recipes that have been passed on from generation to generation.

Watch as we reveal one of those recipes, the famous recipe of Nerati (Mizithra cheese pie) . Learn with us and enjoy the simplicity and deliciousness of this Cretan delicacy.

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